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Clone the repo and change directory.

git clone
cd k8s_bench

Copy sample directories.

cp -R devcontainer .devcontainer
cp -R vscode .vscode

Re-open in VS Code devcontainer

Setup cluster

Execute following script:


Setup and activate python environment

python3 -m venv env
. ./env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Start Operator

. ./env/bin/activate
kopf run -A k8s_bench/

Start API

. ./env/bin/activate
uvicorn --host --reload --port 8000 k8s_bench.main:app

Pre-commit Check

. ./env/bin/activate
pre-commit run --color=always --all-files

VS Code Debugging

To start python debugging, launch K8s Bench API or K8s Bench Operator from debugging panel instead of command line.

Test using gitlab-runner

Commit code and execute

gitlab-runner exec docker --docker-privileged test_e2e_api
gitlab-runner exec docker --docker-privileged test_e2e_operator

Test using scripts

Execute commands in following order to test api.

# Test setup

# RBAC in-cluster

# Start api in background
./env/bin/uvicorn --host --port 8000 k8s_bench.main:app &

# Test API

# RBAC admin

# Teardown

# Kill uvicorn
kill %1

To test operator execute following.

# RBAC in cluster

# Start operator in background
./env/bin/kopf run -A k8s_bench/ &

# Test operator

# kill operator
kill %1

# RBAC in cluster



Deletes flux helmrelease, uninstalls In-cluster NFS Server and uninstalls flux.