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Build Bench


API endpoint can initiate image build process using Kaniko. You need enough capacity on nodes to build the images. The images are pushed to registry using registry credential secret provided through push_secret_name body parameter.

To create secret execute following command:

kubectl -n builder create secret docker-registry ghcr-cred \ \
  --docker-username=user \


  • Change the namespace to the one used to execute the build bench jobs.
  • Change the secret name from ghcr-cred to the name of your choice.
  • Change the --docker-server to your registry.
  • Change the --docker-user to your registry username.
  • Change the --docker-password to your registry password

Execute Build Bench

Example curl command:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -u 'admin:changeit' \
    -d '{
  "job_name": "build-custom-bench",
  "namespace": "builder",
  "push_secret_name": "ghcr-cred",
  "destination_image_name": "",
  "container_file_path": "images/custom/Containerfile",
  "frappe_path": "",
  "frappe_branch": "version-14",
  "python_version": "3.10.9",
  "node_version": "16.19.0",
  "apps_json": [
  "git_repo_context": ""
  • job_name: name of the Job to be created.
  • namespace: namespace for running the Job
  • push_secret_name: name of the push secret created as prerequisite under the namespace mentioned above.
  • destination_image_name: full name of the image including registry prefix, it will be used to push the image.
  • git_repo_context: url of github repo, it is build context used by Kaniko
  • container_file_path: location of Dockerfile or Containerfile specified in git_repo_context.
  • frappe_path: https git repo source for frappe framework or fork.
  • frappe_branch: git branch of above repo
  • python_version: version of python to be used in image passed as build arg to Kaniko
  • node_version: version of nodejs to be used in image passed as build arg to Kaniko
  • apps_json: array of git repos and branches as app. e.g. format [{"url":"","branch":"main"}]
  • node_selector: key value pair of node selector, used to schedule job on labelled nodes.

Refer API documentation for details.