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Add Bench


To use CRD provided by fluxcd, install it using flux install --components=source-controller,helm-controller command before setting up the api. It will install enough resources to use the CRD without getting into GitOps.

To add bench (helm release), you need to add a source for helm chart. Either FluxCD's HelmRepository or GitRepository source is required.

For additional information on private sources refer official fluxcd documentation

Add Helm Release

Example curl command:

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -u 'admin:changeit' \
    -d '{
  "name": "frappe-bench",
  "namespace": "erpnext",
  "release_interval": "10m",
  "chart_interval": "10m",
  "chart": "./erpnext",
  "version": "6.0.0",
  "source_ref": {
        "kind": "GitRepository",
        "name": "frappe-helm",
        "namespace": "erpnext"
  "values": {
      "image": { "repository": "custom/erpnext", "tag": "v4.2.0" },
      "persistence": { "worker": { "storageClass": "nfs" } },
      "jobs": { "configure": { "fixVolume": false }
  "remediate_last_failure": true
  • name: name of the helm release.
  • namespace: namespace for deployment of the release.
  • release_interval: interval to sync CRD with helm release
  • chart_interval: interval to sync chart from chart source
  • chart: name of chart in case of helm repo or path to chart directory in case of git repo.
  • version: only used in case of chart source is helm repo.
  • source_ref: can be HelmRepository or GitRepository. mention name and namespace of custom resource.
  • values: json of values.yaml to override for helm chart.
  • remediate_last_failure: Configuring failure remediation

Refer API documentation for details.